A reoccurring theme I hear throughout my coaching sessions, is an ongoing struggle with nourishment and clients who just don’t know how to nourish themselves.

Some clients see it as an indulgence, some don’t even know what it means or where to start. More often than not, it’s the first thing to fall by the wayside when we’re busy or feeling stressed out. Instead, we opt for the easy, go-to solutions of comfort food, alcohol, switching off for hours in front of the tv, withdrawing from social engagements and the killer, procrastination.

So in an effort to help you reduce your stress levels, boost your happiness and improve self-esteem, here are 10 ways to nourish yourself. Aim for at least three of these a day and you should be feeling better in no time.


Switch off all technology for an hour. I’m super guilty of falling asleep with my iPad in my hand and Netflix show on, and I noticed how it was really messing up my sleeping patterns. I consciously choose to switch off my phones and tablet an hour before bed, so I have no excuse to not pick up one of the many books I’d bought and simply shelved. I’m currently relishing Jonathan Black’s The Secret History of the World and am thoroughly loving the quiet time.

Meditate. I cannot stress how having a regular meditation practice can ground you throughout the day and put you in the best mood. There are lots of types of meditations out there – loving-kindness meditation, mindfulness meditation, TM, etc. I love a good mantra, so I do a kundalini meditation where I sing along to Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Gur Prasad in my head and think happy thoughts for a good 20 minutes. I swear, it does the trick for me.

Do a pilates or yoga class. I love kundalini yoga, but there are different types – from the super chill Yin yoga, to the sweaty Bikram, to the singing Kirtan – so again, explore and see what works for you. You don’t have to spend on a class either if you’re just getting started. There are plenty of great ones on YouTube!

Journal your thoughts. When was the last time you kept a diary? Writing is a fantastic way to nourish your mind and spirit, so skip the laptop and go back to good ol’ put pen to paper and just write whatever comes to mind.

Cook and eat nourishing, homemade food. If you’re not huge on cooking, start with something simple – a pasta dish is always a great starting point, or ask your mom for her adobo recipe if you’re looking for a dish to pair with rice. Enjoy the process – from chopping up the ingredients, to the sizzling sound it makes in the pan, to all the wonderful smells wafting around your kitchen, and each bite you take as you mindfully eat with the knowledge that this meal you lovingly put together is nourishing your body, your temple of your spirit.

Put your favorite album on and dance, dance, dance! Nothing’s better than dancing around your room with your dog to Queen’s Greatest Hits. Or is that just me?

Drink lots of tea. Green tea with mint, black tea with roses, and salabat are my favorites, and are just the thing to enjoy in the middle of the day. You can swap out my coffee with a comforting cup of tea any day.

Call an old friend for a chat. Reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in a while, whether an old coworker or a schoolmate. It’s such a great feeling to have someone remember you and check in, so be that person for someone else.

Take a nap. There’s nothing like sleep to rejuvenate the soul, and I live for these little power naps. I sneak them in in the car, since I feel like I’m stuck in traffic for most of the day when I go out for meetings anyway, and the 30-45 minute cap naps keep me going without having to reach for a bar of chocolate or energy drink, which honestly, is what I used to do.

Take a walk outside. There’s nothing like taking a walk out in nature to naturally ground you and clear your head. You can thank the trees for that, since they naturally produce the oxygen you need to help you think clearly and calm you down.



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