This new year, whether it’s taking fruit to work with you or being polite to rude strangers, here are a few ways you can make life better for your self and the people around you, with very little effort involved.

1. Send a voice note instead of a text – they sound like personal mini podcasts.

2. Keep a bird feeder by a window, ideally in the kitchen so it’ll help pass the time while you do the washing up.

3. Buy plants that make you happy.

4. Sharpen your knives.

5. Make space in the home to decorate artwork that makes you happy

6. On the fence about a purchase? Wait 72 hours and see if you still want to buy it after.

7. Everyone has an emotional blindspot when they fight. Work out what yours is, and remember it.

8. Sharpen your knives.

9. Keep your children’s drawings and paintings and display the best ones on your wall.

10. Set aside 30 minutes a day to do something you really enjoy.

11. Start a Saturday morning with some classical music- it sets the tone for a calm weekend.

12. Look closely – appreciate the little detaiis.

13. When possible, take the stairs.

14. Go meatless once a week, ideally more.

15. Be polite to rude strangers – it’s oddly thrilling!

16. Ask questions, then really listen to answers.

17. Make time to regularly connect with nature.

18. Go for a walk without your phone.

19. Eat salted butter – life’s too short for unsalted.

20. Sleep with your phone in a different room – buy an alarm clock.

21. Uninstall Twitter.

22. For instant cheer, wear yellow.

23. Text to say thank you.

24. Buy secondhand – the scouring process can be relaxing.

25. Practice slow living.

26. Listen to albums you listened to as a teenager.

27. Learn how to floss properly.

28. Say hello to your neighbors.

29. Improve your handwriting.

30. Date yourself.

31. Always bring something – wine, flowers – to a dinner/party, even if they say not to.

32. Learn the names of 10 plants.

33. Call an old friend out of the blue.

34. Always have dessert.

35. Drop your shoulders.

36. Make something from scratch.

37. Go to bed earlier and don’t take your phone with you.

38. Treat the person next to you at the coffee shop.

39. Volunteer.

40. Don’t save things the “best” things on a glass shelf. Wear them, use them, enjoy them!

41. Sing!

42. Thank a teacher who changed your life.

43. Respect those younger than you.

44. Ignore the algorithm – listen to music outside your usual taste.

45. Mute or leave a Viber or WhatApp group chat.

46. Buy books – keep them in your bag to keep you from doom scrolling.

47. Learn a TikTok dance (you don’t have to post it on TikTok).

48. Cook something you’ve never attempted before.

49. Give compliments widely and freely.

50. Nap!

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