Most of us are aware of what happens to the body when we exercise. We build more muscle and gain more stamina. We feel how daily activities like climbing stairs becomes so much more easier when we exercise regularly. When it comes to our brain and mood though, the connection isn’t so clear – the line around our “endorphins are released” is more something I throw around to sound smart, without really knowing what it means. Here is what actually happens:

When you start exercising, your brain recognizes this as a moment of stress. As your heart pressure increases, the brain thinks you are either fighting the enemy or fleeing from it. To protect yourself and your brain from stress, you release a protein called BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor). This BDNF has a protective and also reparative element to your memory neurons and acts as a reset switch. That’s why we often feel so at ease and things are clear after exercising and eventually happy. Here are 15 other ways exercise makes you a happier person:


1. It increases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain that’s associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness. And exercise is one of the best ways to increase your brain’s dopamine production, giving you that much-needed mood improvement.


2. Energy booster. Ever have a really great workout, and then feel even more energized after you were done? That’s because exercise is a wonderful energy booster, and more energy equals increased levels of happiness.


3. Lowers anxiety and depression. Recent studies have shown that people who suffer from anxiety and depression can achieve long-term relief from exercising and its mood-boosting benefits.


4. Stress reducer. Stressed out? Exercise is a form of low-level stress itself, and the more you subject yourself to the “stress” of working out, the better your body will adapt to handling other kinds of stress.


5. Slows down cognitive decline. Unfortunately, the older we get, the less capable our brain functioning becomes. Studies have shown that regular exercise can help slow down that cognitive decline, aiding memory and learning in the process.


6. Boosts self-confidence. There’s nothing quite like having an awesome workout and then feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Exercising boosts your confidence by seeing your body transforming for the better. Looking good naked is also a great motivation!


7. Be more social. While all types of exercise are great for us, working out in groups is even better! Some studies have shown that people do better on aerobic tests when working out with a partner, and working out and being around our friends, generally makes us a happier bunch.


8. Get better sleep. Having sleep issues? Regular exercise has been shown to improve the sleep quality of people with sleeping disorders, as we all know that better sleep equals a much happier you.


9. Be more creative. We’re all in a better mood when our creative juices are flowing, and nothing boosts creativity quite like a great workout.


10. A more productive you. One study showed that people who make time for regular exercise are more productive at work than those who don’t and when you’re doing well on the job, you’re generally a happier person, too.


11. Better coping skills. When faced with difficult challenges in our life, some people turn to drugs and alcohol – while others turn to exercise, which can help you cope with your problems in a healthy and happy way.


12. Memory Booster. Various research has linked exercise with increased memory capabilities, so get in a great workout and start remembering those happy memories with even more clarity.


13. Be more relaxed. We know that exercise can help you sleep better, but it can also let you unwind after a hard day and be more relaxed, too.


14. Gets addictions under control. It’s been studied that exercise bursts can help in addiction recovery, and can distract people who have drug or drinking problems.


15. Increases your brain power. It’s been shown that getting in some good cardio can help to create new brain cells, improving your overall brain performance.



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