Modern workplaces can be hot-houses of negativity, competitiveness, and stress. These kinds of environments can make employees feel as if they’re entering an assault zone on the daily. This is clearly no way to live and work, but in many industries, it’s the norm. That’s why professional leaders need to make a concerted effort to foster a culture of kindness in the workplace.

For many business owners, success is a numbers game. The importance of workplace kindness can, therefore, seem irrelevant. What you might not realise, though, is that a culture of kindness has tangible benefits which will lead to happier staff and a better bottom line. If you’re keen to learn more about the advantages of founding a workplace culture on the principle of kindness, then just keep on reading.

  1. Make a fresh pot of coffee.
  2. Wipe down the microwave (even if it isn’t your mess).
  3. Smile.
  4. Say “thank you” in person.
  5. Take a co-worker out to lunch.
  6. Give a glowing recommendation.
  7. Organise a charity drive at your workplace.
  8. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
  9. Make a mental list of all the things you enjoy about your work.
  10. Be grateful!
  11. Be encouraging.
  12. Organise a volunteer day.
  13. Give a compliment.
  14. Be constructive in your criticism.
  15. Ask someone how they are and really listen to the answer.
  16. Introduce a colleague to a contact in your professional network.
  17. Be nice to someone you dislike.
  18. Be a cheerleader for someone else’s idea or project.
  19. Tell your boss what you appreciate about them.
  20. Make the best of your day.
  21. Ask someone for their opinion and consider their position.
  22. Invite a co-worker you don’t normally socialize with to sit with you at lunch.
  23. Share praise with a co-worker’s boss and their boss’s boss.
  24. Let go of a grudge.
  25. Take breaks.
  26. Give someone else a break.
  27. Donate vacation time to a co-worker in need, if that’s possible.
  28. Share your expertise.
  29. Send flowers to a co-worker.
  30. Be a mentor.
  31. Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
  32. Admit when you’re in the wrong (it helps other people feel better about their mistakes!)
  33. Don’t complain.
  34. Don’t gossip.
  35. Share an inspirational quote.
  36. Share a uplifting blog post.
  37. Tell a joke.
  38. Bring in books you loved and pass them on.
  39. Be friendly.
  40. Forgive someone.
  41. Respect others.
  42. Say “please” and “thank you”.
  43. Start and end meetings on time.
  44. Learn something new about someone you work with.
  45. Bring in fresh fruits or vegetables to share.
  46. Give someone a ride to or from work.
  47. Pass on coupons you don’t need.
  48. Start a conversation with the delivery person, janitor, or handyman.
  49. Congratulate someone on their accomplishments.
  50. Create a custom playlist for a co-worker.

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